About Us

Well, actually, it is more an ‘About me’ page.
My name is Eva-Lotta Lamm and I am a designer, visual thinker and yogini living in Berlin, Germany.
I draw a lot.
I draw to play, think, relax, investigate, understand, tell stories, remember, collaborate and communicate.
I love sharpening my observation through sketching. I love creating understanding with a pen in my hand. I love developing visual systems that provide frameworks for structured thinking. I love combining logical thinking with the emotional power of images. I love having fun on a piece of paper.
I love making things.
All products in my shop have been designed with love by me and are shipped from my home-office in Berlin.
I hope you enjoy what I do.
If you want to learn more about my work as a designer, visual consultant, public speaker and teacher, head over to www.evalotta.net.
If you want to see more of my daily sketches, doodles and visual explorations, you should follow me on instagram.
If you want to hear about upcoming workshops, projects I do and interesting things I find in the world of sketching and visual thinking, sign up to my newsletter.